Prices for procedures
Removal of an intervertebral hernia
4000 USD - 31000 USD
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
- Craniotomy
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Minimally invasive spine fusium (aging of neighboring vertebrae)
- Online consultation of a neurosurgeon
- Operations on the brain
- Removal of a brain cyst
- Removal of a brain tumor
- Removal of a spinal cord tumor
- Removal of an intervertebral hernia
- Removal of medulloblastoma
- Removal of pituitary tumors
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Gideon Perneczky
Cost of consultation: on request
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Gokhan Bozkurt
Cost of consultation: on request
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Diagnostic and treatment programs
21930 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
- Histological studies
- Consultation on MRI data
- Preoperative examination
- General anesthesia
- All the necessary medicines
- Postoperative nursing care and doctor's visits
- Oncological consultation (if necessary)
Procedures for the program:
- Removal of a brain tumor
- General ward.
- Translation services for 10 hours.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
29850 USD
- Consultation and maintenance of the head. Department of neurosurgery
- Consultation of the head of the department. Department of Pathology Prof. Smiglo
- Consultation of the head of the department. department of anesthesia Prof. Standl
- Consultation with the head of the laboratory
- Consultation on MRI data
- Preoperative examination
- General anesthesia
- All the necessary medicines
- Postoperative nursing care and doctor's visits
- Oncological consultation (if necessary)
Procedures for the program:
- Removal of a brain tumor
- Airport-clinic-airport transfer.
- Individual chamber.
- Translation services for 10 hours.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
15525 USD - 19255 USD
Procedures for the program:
- MRI of the spine
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
Procedures for the program:
- Removal of an intervertebral hernia
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
22000 USD - 27000 USD
Procedures for the program:
Procedures for the program:
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
28710 USD - 38210 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
- MRI of the brain with contrast
- Blood test for cancer markers
- Blood test deployed
Procedures for the program:
- ECHO of the heart
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
From 5550 USD
Procedures for the program:
- MRI of the spine
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
Procedures for the program:
- Removal of an intervertebral hernia
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
36160 USD
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
- Neurostimulator
- The battery for the stimulator
- Transfer airport-clinic-airport
- 10 days of hospitalization before surgery
- 25 days of hospitalization after surgery
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
9500 USD
- Consultations with an anesthesiologist, cardiologist and spinal surgeon
- Operation-standard discectomy
- Medications and supplies for the operation
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
From 24460 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of a neurosurgeon
- MRI of the brain with contrast
- Blood test for cancer markers
- Blood test deployed
Procedures for the program:
- ECHO of the heart
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
120 USD - 160 USD
- Preparation and translation of documents before consultation.
- Video conversation with the doctor.
- Recommendations for treatment tactics.
- Answers to patient questions.
Translation services
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.