Injuries to bones and joints
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Medicaid consultation and services are provided free of charge!

Holm Edelman
Cost of consultation: on request
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Clayton Craft
Cost of consultation: on request
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Stefan Dietrich
Cost of consultation: on request
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Martin Leixnering
Cost of consultation: on request
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Martin Buchelt
Cost of consultation: on request
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Alpaslan Sincely
Cost of consultation: on request
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Erden Airtourer
Cost of consultation: on request
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Shmuel Dekel
Cost of consultation: on request
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Diagnostic and treatment programs
19220 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Consultation of orthopaedic traumatologist
- Preoperative examination
- General anesthesia
- All the necessary medicines
- Postoperative nursing care and doctor's visits
- Postoperative rehabilitation during hospitalization
Procedures for the program:
- Hip replacement
- Airport-clinic-airport transfer.
- Translation services for 10 hours.
- General ward.
- Translation of documents into Russian language.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.
25350 USD
Procedures for the program:
- Hip replacement
- Preoperative examination.
- General anesthesia.
- All the necessary medicines.
- Postoperative nursing care and doctor's visits.
- Postoperative rehabilitation during hospitalization.
- Airport-clinic-airport transfer.
- Individual chamber.
- Translation services for 10 hours.
- Translation of documents into Russian language.
- Personal coordinator.
- Travel organization: booking tickets and hotel at a reduced price from our partners.
- Protecting the patient’s interests throughout the trip to the clinic.